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. If necessary, partial lev3 magscans can be created with pokel3_runs |
Documentation for WSO Data Reductions
One-time set up
- Make sure your paths are set up correctly and all directories are mounted
- Top level reduction routines are mostly in ~wso/src/reductions
- Raw data and reductions scripts are in /data/scans subdirectories
- Final data appear in /wso/scans subdirectories
- Make sure you have read and write access to the appropriate files and directories
- Make sure your umask is set for group read/write permissions
- Make sure your .cshrc is set up properly for "DOREDUCTION"
- STOP if you have any questions or anything does not work properly
Daily Reductions
- Verify that you are using a color printer
- Run 'checkwso' to see which days need to be reduced,
- This provides a list of files that have transferred from the observatory. The first part of each file name is the two-digit month and two-digit day of month.
- Execute "Dotel MON DAY" where
- MON is the 3-letter Month (e.g. Jul for July, first letter capitalized)
- DAY is the Pacific Time Day (number 1-31, no leading zero)
- Look carefully at the output to see that
- the meanfields and magscans have been listed and the reductions have been successful
- the magscan plots look good
- You can find the reduction scripts in /data/scans/reduction.scripts
- You can remake plots with 'mplots' in ~wso/scripts
See FixDailyReductions for notes on fixing problems
- If there are magnetograms
- Examine plots and set trouble bits as required with 'settrouble'. Alert observer if it looks like there's a systematic error
- Run Dolev3 if a good magnetogram exists. This updates daily WSO web pages.
WSO Monthly Reductions
Always consult notes from the observer to identify problems/concerns. Follow up if data appear bad.
Mean field Reductions
In ~wso/src/reductions
Run MF.monthly - reduction of meanfield data
- Evaluate the individual meanfld observations
- look for consistent values, duplicate entries, timing of observations, large errors, end of day, etc.
- change the first character of bad measurements from from '+' to '-'; always have a reason
- Evaluate the individual meanfld observations
In /wso/scans/mf
Make monthly MF table with mftable year=YYYY month=MM > WSO_MF.YYYYMM.txt
- Rename already created and bartels.gif plots to and WSO_MF.YYYYMM.gif
Verify plots and table are good, then move WSO_MF.YYYYMM.gif,, & WSO_MF.YYYYMM.txt to /anonftp/SGD for transfer to SGD
Magnetogram Reductions
In ~wso/src/reductions/www.dailymags
Run makewwwmags to make daily plots
- evaluate new each magnetogram on /
set trouble bits as needed with settrouble
- If necessary, partial lev3 magscans can be created with pokel3_runs
In ~wso/src/reductions/www/SGD.monthly.mgmlists
add best daily mgm to monthly file, list.yyymm in www/SGD.monthly.mgmlists
run complete monthly files, list.yyyymm to make daily plots in /anonftp/SGD/yyyymm
Synoptic Chart Reductions
Photospheric field synoptic maps
In ~wso/src/reductions
run Wextendsynop to extend synoptic time series
run {CR} to make good CR plots , evaluate, and move to /anonftp/SGD
Coronal Synoptic Chart
run sph2.monthly
run {CR} , evaluate, and move to /anonftp/SGD
Web Page Reductions
Update the WSO web pages
run ~wso/src/reductions/www/www.dorot {CR} for each altered rotation.
- this updates all of the appropriate wso web pages with the latest info.
Publish data with SGD
ftp data to SGD transfer directory from /anonftp/SGD
cd /anonftp/SGD
- ftp
- use anonymous ftp and go to pub/incoming/wso
- make the wso subdirectory if needed
- transfer three monthly MF files, .txt, .gif, .ps
- transfer new synoptic photospheric and coronal plots, both .gif and .ps
- lcd yyyymm
- transfer all of the daily magnetogram plots for the month, both .gif and .ps