Making CR Synoptic Charts


The magnetic and intensity Carrington Rotation synoptic charts are generated as soon as the definitive MDI data are processed for the period. They require 3 (4?) days of data after the official end of the CR.

Update /synoptic/carrot/latest to reflect the latest CR that's available when you have updated the charts.


To make the magnetic field charts:

  1. On your machine, cd /synoptic/new_scripts/synop_qual.
  2. Run new_cr [CR] for the new Carrington Rotation.
    • The magnetograms for the entire CR (plus a few days after) will pop up in DS9 for you to look at. If any trouble bits need to be set, run 'udpate' in a sonar window. It will prompt you for the day and image numbers, and the quality bit(s) you want to set. Quality bit definitions

      are at

  3. Once quality bits are set, run ' [CR] [FIRST] [LAST]
    • on n02, where CR is the Carrington Rotation and FIRST and LAST are the beginning and end times of the CR. I have an alias called 'carrot' (run on sonar) that will get those times for you:

      alias carrot "echo \!* > /tmp/cr;echo \!*;~kehcheng/work/synop/carrot < /tmp/cr" sonar.Stanford.EDU: carrot 2067 2067 T_FIRST = 2008.02.21_17:34:00_TAI 982690440.315253 5529.73 T_ROT = 2008.03.06_09:44:30_TAI 983871870.041679 5543.41 T_LAST = 2008.03.20_01:40:33_TAI 985052432.670730 5557.07 T_EARTH = 2008.03.06_09:31:46_TAI 983871105.862488 So to make the synoptic charts for CR 2067, on n02 run 2067 5529.73 5557.07. puts the new files in /synoptic/carrot/M/[CR]

  4. Make the gif images for the fits files that were created by
    • Run /ssw/gen/setup/ssw_idl on your machine.

      IDL> .run /synoptic/new_scripts/plot_synop For each of the 0, 30 E/W and 60 E/W fits files, and for each l and r, run plot_synop: IDL> plot_synop, in='/synoptic/carrot/M/2066/synop_Ml_30W.2066.fits', /gif, /next, /carrot IDL> exit

  5. Check the images to make sure they look OK. You may need to set additional

To make the intensity charts

For a CR that had no events that would affect the intensity (ie, focus changes, tuning changes, spacecraft rolls or proton storms):

  1. On sonar, cd /synoptic/new_scripts/Ic_synop.
  2. Run get_data[CR] for the new Carrington Rotation. This will retrieve the lev1.8
    • files you need (which may take awhile) and make a mapfile for you to run.
  3. Run the mapfile (pe -v -A map=map.2067, for example). The mapfile does the following:
    1. makes lev1.8 data
    • ii. removes limb darkening
    • iii. makes a median filter using all of the Ic images without limb darkening for the CR
      • iv. makes lev2 data by applying the filter to the images without limb darkening
        • v. remaps the corrected images
        vi. creates the synoptic charts
  4. Make the gif images for the fits files.
    • Run /ssw/gen/setup/ssw_idl on your machine.

      IDL> .run /synoptic/new_scripts/plot_Ic_synop Run plot_Ic_synop for both fits files: IDL> plot_Ic_synop, in='/synoptic/carrot/Ic/2066/synop_Ic_N=3.2066.fits', /gif, /next, /carrot IDL> plot_Ic_synop, in='/synoptic/carrot/Ic/2066/synop_Ic_N=5.2066.fits', /gif, /next, /carrot IDL> exit

  5. Check the images to make sure they look OK. You may need to set trouble bits
  6. Once the synoptic charts are done, make the lev2 GIF images on your machine.

To make the intensity charts for a CR that HAD events that would affect the intensity (ie, focus changes, tuning changes, spacecraft rolls or proton storms):

The median filter requires ~30 days of data that have no intensity changes due to events listed above. So for example, if there was a proton storm in the middle of the CR with an obvious change in intensity in the images, you would need 2 median filters - one for before the proton storm, and one for after the proton storm - and each filter would require 30 days of data. Note that each of those 30-day chunks also needs to have no events. This isn't always possible to do because of other events...a roll 5 days after the storm, for instance. If you can't get the 30-day chunks of data to make separate median filters, just process the data as if there were no events.

Check for relevant events at

If you have 30-day chunks of good data for each median filter you need:

  1. On sonar, cd /synoptic/new_scripts/Ic_synop.
  2. Run get_data[CR] for the new Carrington Rotation. This will retrieve the lev1.8
    • files you need (which may take awhile) and make a mapfile for you to run.
  3. Edit the mapfile so it creates two median filters (med.2066.1.fits and med.2066.2.fits,
    • for example) and uses them on the two sets of input data. An example of an edited mapfile is at /synoptic/carrot/Ic/2066/map.2066.
  4. Run the mapfile (pe -v -A map=map.2066, for example).
  5. Make the gif images for the fits files.
    • Run /ssw/gen/setup/ssw_idl on your machine.

      IDL> .run /synoptic/new_scripts/plot_Ic_synop Run plot_Ic_synop for both fits files: IDL> plot_Ic_synop, in='/synoptic/carrot/Ic/2066/synop_Ic_N=3.2066.fits', /gif, /next, /carrot IDL> plot_Ic_synop, in='/synoptic/carrot/Ic/2066/synop_Ic_N=5.2066.fits', /gif, /next, /carrot IDL> exit

  6. Check the images to make sure they look OK. You may need to set trouble bits
  7. Once the synoptic charts are done, make the lev2 GIF imageson your machine.