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Revision 3 as of 2009-02-07 00:37:00
Size: 951
Editor: l4-m0
Revision 4 as of 2013-05-01 09:59:02
Size: 951
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
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Manual Method for Running make_magsynop.pl

  • Once quality bits are set, run make_magsynop.pl [CR] [FIRST] [LAST] on n02 in the directory /synoptic/new_scripts

  • Here CR is the Carrington Rotation and FIRST and LAST are the beginning and end times of the CR. There is an alias called 'carrot' (run on sonar) that will get those times for you:

    • alias carrot "echo \!* > /tmp/cr;echo \!*;~kehcheng/work/synop/carrot < /tmp/cr"

    • sonar.Stanford.EDU: carrot 2067

      • 2067
      • T_FIRST = 2008.02.21_17:34:00_TAI 982690440.315253 5529.73
      • T_ROT = 2008.03.06_09:44:30_TAI 983871870.041679 5543.41
      • T_LAST = 2008.03.20_01:40:33_TAI 985052432.670730 5557.07
      • T_EARTH = 2008.03.06_09:31:46_TAI 983871105.862488
  • So to make the synoptic charts for CR 2067, on n02 one would run make_magsynop.pl 2067 5529.73 5557.07.

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WSO_Wiki: MakeMagSynop (last edited 2013-05-01 09:59:02 by localhost)