Wilcox Solar Observatory Magnetograms

#14030 - 14039, 2018.11.16 - 2018.12.02

WSO Magnetogram sn=14030	 observed at 2018:11:16_21h:44m:16s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2210:083
  Sky = 1 (5 worst)
	trouble=00000010 NOTE: smoke from Camp Fire
	 4 time critical

WSO Magnetogram sn=14031	 observed at 2018:11:16_23h:17m:51s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2210:082
  Sky = 4 (5 worst)
	trouble=20000011 NOTE: smoke from Camp Fire
	 1 not complete
	 4 time critical
	23 do not use for synoptic charts

WSO Magnetogram sn=14032	 observed at 2018:11:17_21h:26m:56s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2210:070
  Sky = 1 (5 worst)
	trouble=20000011 NOTE: smoke from the Camp Fire
	 1 not complete
	 4 time critical
	23 do not use for synoptic charts

WSO Magnetogram sn=14033	 observed at 2018:11:18_23h:55m:21s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2210:055
  Sky = 5 (5 worst)
	trouble=20000011 NOTE: smoke from the Camp fFire
	 1 not complete
	 4 time critical
	23 do not use for synoptic charts

WSO Magnetogram sn=14034	 observed at 2018:11:20_21h:46m:46s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2210:030
  Sky = 3 (5 worst)
	trouble=00000010 NOTE: smoke from the Camp Fire
	 4 time critical

WSO Magnetogram sn=14035	 observed at 2018:11:20_23h:38m:46s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2210:029
  Sky = 5 (5 worst)
	trouble=20000011 NOTE: smoke from the Camp Fire and de
	 1 not complete
	 4 time critical
	23 do not use for synoptic charts

WSO Magnetogram sn=14036	 observed at 2018:11:25_22h:29m:37s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2211:324
  Sky = 1 (5 worst)

WSO Magnetogram sn=14037	 observed at 2018:11:25_23h:59m:52s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2211:323
  Sky = 4 (5 worst)
	trouble=20000011 NOTE: 
	 1 not complete
	 4 time critical
	23 do not use for synoptic charts

WSO Magnetogram sn=14038	 observed at 2018:11:26_22h:07m:12s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2211:311
  Sky = 5 (5 worst)
	trouble=20000011 NOTE: 
	 1 not complete
	 4 time critical
	23 do not use for synoptic charts

WSO Magnetogram sn=14039	 observed at 2018:12:02_19h:24m:36s
  Central Meridian Carrington Longitude CT2211:233
  Sky = 0 (5 worst)